Although Every Naperville Preschool Must Adhere to New Safety Guidelines, Some Go Above and Beyond to Protect Students and Staff

KLA Schools of Naperville
4 min readAug 16, 2021

As the new school year winds up, a lot of parents are rightfully concerned about the safety and health of their kiddo. No one wants to send their child off to a Naperville preschool so they can get sick. Choose the right one this year and feel comfortable, confident, and assured.

KLA Schools of Naperville is the leading preschool in Naperville for many good reasons. Even long before the coronavirus struck this year, KLA Schools of Naperville has been diligent in creating a safe, healthy, and fun learning environment for all of the children in their care.

From just a few months to 12 years, they offer before and after school care as well as a preschool for younger kiddos.

What are the latest safety protocols?

The state is requiring that any Naperville preschool social distance when and where possible. That means children may not be sitting as close to one another as they had in the past.

Staff are all required to wear face masks during normal business hours. This may seem like an inconvenience and can certainly be a struggle for some children if they can’t see their teacher moving their lips while talking, but many children can adjust, even those with special needs.

Children are also encouraged to wear face masks, where possible. Not all children will be able to. Some might be struggling with special needs, sensory issues, and other challenges that make mask wearing implausible or extremely difficult.

In such cases, accommodations will be made that won’t put other children or staff at risk.

It is also necessary for a quality preschool in Naperville to sanitize surfaces more frequently than they might have in the past. This means more regular cleaning of bathroom facilities, providing hand sanitizer in various rooms throughout the facility, and making sure children wash their hands more frequently.

The staff at KLA Schools of Naperville, the best preschool in Naperville, will also sanitize toys and other items on a regular basis.

How will social distancing impact Naperville preschool this year?

It’s not easy to predict because no preschool has had to deal with this type of situation before, at least not in the United States. However, many preschools have been operating continually throughout this pandemic because parents, especially doctors and nurses, and other essential employees, have had to go into work without a pause.

Social distancing is one of the most effective ways to help slow or completely deter the spread of the coronavirus. In a preschool environment, though, that can be challenging. However, it is still possible.

Staff will separate desks and chairs to the required six-foot distance whenever possible. A quality Naperville preschool may also limit enrollment to lower levels than they normally would allow, which could leave some parents struggling to find the proper preschool for their kiddo.

At play time, children will often be encouraged to maintain that social distance, oftentimes encouraged to play distance games or in very small, isolated, select groups.

That can certainly be a challenge for some children who enjoy moving from one place to the next or who have a tendency to play in close quarters with other kids. However, it is necessary to maintain the right distance in order to limit the spread of the virus.

What else will KLA Schools of Naperville do to make a difference this fall?

They are already doing many things, including keeping parents updated on a regular basis with regard to what their children are doing, how they are playing, and any potential positive virus tests a child or his or her family may have had recently.

Any children who are exhibiting symptoms of illnesses may not be permitted on campus, whether they have a fever or not. Every child who has a fever is encouraged to stay home and will not be allowed on campus at that time.

Staff will be checking children in, checking them for any visible signs of illness or a fever, keeping them distanced from others within the classrooms and various learning environments, and encouraging hand washing more frequently as well as hand sanitizing.

At the other end of the spectrum, because of the experience staff, including teachers and administrators, at KLA Schools of Naperville have, they will be encouraging more engagement in learning activities throughout the day.

This will keep children focused on learning rather than what may or may not be going on in the world around them. Children are like sponges; they absorb the information everywhere, including from home, out at the stores, and at school.

This can create a great deal of anxiety among young children. The staff will be respectful and responsive to these concerns or questions children have at their Naperville preschool.

Working together, we can all get through this and help our children continue to develop into confident, assured, intelligent young kiddos.

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KLA Schools of Naperville

KLA Schools of Naperville- A Reggio Inspired School, Best Preschool, Kindergarten, and Before & After School