These Three Tips Can Help You ‘Let Go’ Easier When You Drop Your Child Off at a Naperville Daycare

KLA Schools of Naperville
3 min readSep 3, 2021

It’s not easy for any parent to drop their child off at a Naperville daycare. Even if this is your third, fourth, or fifth child, while you may have more peace of mind about the process, this is still your little baby, your precious angel.

For new parents, this process can be even more traumatic and difficult. Unfortunately, life beckons. We have responsibilities to pursue, work to return to, bills to pay, and perhaps understand how important these early years are for brain development.

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Naperville Daycare

What many parents are surprised to learn when they begin looking for a Naperville daycare is that most of their child’s brain will develop from the time they’re born until around five years of age or so. That’s why these early years are so important for them to be exposed to the right educational environment that stimulates as many neural connections as possible.

The benefits a child gains with the right Naperville daycare will carry on with them the rest of their life. It can directly impact how well they excel in school, in college, and then, ultimately, their career.

Once you choose the right Naperville daycare, though, you may have a little bit of difficulty learning to let go. Below are three tips that (hopefully) will make it a little easier for you when that day finally arrives.

Tip #1: Practice letting go beforehand.

Some children struggle with separation anxiety (so do some parents). If your child has been with you night and day since birth, maybe only being dropped off with a grandparent or close friend or neighbor for an hour or two at night so you could have a much-needed date with your spouse, it might be difficult for them seeing you walk away, especially when they’re in an unfamiliar place.

Begin practicing with a friend, neighbor, or family member by dropping your child off and saying goodbye. Make sure you tell her you’ll be back soon. If her separation anxiety is significant, return within a minute or two and then extend that amount of time until she’s comfortable being without you.

Tip #2: Talk about this new experience she’s about to enjoy.

Put forth this Naperville daycare as a positive thing, a wonderful experience and chance to play with other kids. You don’t have to talk so much about education and learning because that could be intimidating for some children, depending on their age.

Instead, focus on the play factor, emphasize her opportunity to play with new toys, check out new things, and have new experiences.

Tip #3: Make sure you choose a Naperville daycare with a parent portal.

What this refers to is a camera (or several cameras throughout the facility) where you can sign in to a designated parent portal and see your child in real time. This ‘live’ camera feed can give you plenty of peace of mind so you aren’t stressing during those first days when he or she is at a new Naperville daycare.

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