Why It’s So Vital Parents Pay Attention to the Childcare Center in Naperville They Choose for Their Little One

KLA Schools of Naperville
4 min readSep 21, 2021

Choosing a childcare center in Naperville can feel (especially to new parents) nerve-racking. You don’t want to make the wrong decision. You don’t want to put your precious little angel in the wrong hands.

That’s why it’s crucial parents pay attention to what childcare center in Naperville they consider for their little one. They may never have any issues with regard to safety and security while their child is enrolled in a childcare center in Naperville.

Hopefully that’s the case, but many parents never quite realize the impact that early childhood education can have on their little one throughout their life. Choosing the right facility -with the best learning opportunities- is a matter of being diligent in one’s search.

childcare center Naperville

Is there a difference between ‘childcare’ and a preschool?

Yes, there is a difference between a basic childcare facility and a preschool. Oftentimes, these terms are used interchangeably and while that may not be a major problem, it can cause a bit of confusion for parents who have never had to choose a childcare center in Naperville for their son or daughter.

As long as you understand there’s a difference between the terms, you can move forward and learn everything you can about what a quality childcare center in Naperville offers compared to what a quality preschool provides.

Consider the learning opportunities the right facility offers.

At its most basic core level, the key differences between most childcare centers and preschools is the learning opportunities. A basic childcare center in Naperville might offer a very similar view, layout, design, and outlook on childcare that a preschool does, but what about the learning environment?

At a decent preschool that puts education at the forefront of everything they do, children should learn and grow as they move through their early years. Often, at a basic childcare center in Naperville, children are kept safe, monitored during play, have an opportunity for story time, arts, music, and some other basic crafts, but are they really learning the best they can?

Take a tour.

One of the most effective ways to understand what a childcare center in Naperville might offer, especially compared to a preschool, is to take a tour of the facility. Not every childcare center is going to offer a tour opportunity for parents, but you should have every right to see exactly the kind of environment your child will be exposed to each and every day.

When you do take a tour, pay attention to the layout, design, and whether your child will actually be safe in this particular facility. Also be prepared to ask questions. There are no such things as “stupid” questions, especially when it comes to the education of your toddler.

Explore their teaching philosophy.

While you’re investigating the childcare center in Naperville or preschool you’re considering for your son or daughter, think about the teaching philosophy. Is it basically just story time and some arts and crafts, as mentioned, or is it something more?

At KLA Schools of Naperville, for example, they utilize the Reggio Emilia approach to learning. This child-centered system has been hailed as one of the best for early childhood educational models in the world.

It avoids trying to use the cookie-cutter approach to teaching and sees each child as a unique individual and customizes the educational structure to their specific interests and needs.

Children are naturally inquisitive.

Also keep in mind that children are naturally curious and inquisitive. While curiosity may have caused some harm to the cat, it’s a boost for every child, especially when they’re immersed in an environment that encourages exploration and creativity.

Consider their art facility and options, outdoor educational opportunities, and how a particular childcare center in Naperville or preschool encourages, supports, and promotes a child’s naturally inquisitive mind.

What is the outdoor ‘play’ area like?

KLA Schools of Naperville, for example, has an incredible outdoor learning environment. Children can grow vegetables, learn to be better stewards of their environment, and play in a rich, rewarding, and safe space.

Your average childcare center in Naperville, on the other hand, may have a basic playground, grassy area or fake grass, and it’s effectively just open play. That’s fine to some degree, but when you miss out on all of these wonderful opportunities surrounding us each and every day, that can impact your child in the future.

Imagine your child excitedly telling you about their day … every day!

Just imagine picking up your child after work and hearing their excitement as they recount the day, time with friends, the lessons they learned, and so much more. You’ll feel great that you took the time to choose better than just a basic childcare center in Naperville.

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KLA Schools of Naperville

KLA Schools of Naperville- A Reggio Inspired School, Best Preschool, Kindergarten, and Before & After School